Business, Management & Administration

The median annual wage for occupations under Business and Financial was $76,570, which is higher than the annual wage of all occupations $45,760. The amount of experience required vary from a high school diploma but majority require a Bachelor´s . Go here for a complete list of more occupations, the job summaries, entry-level, and median pay.

  • Accountants and Auditors- Bachelor´s degree- $77,250 median pay

  • Budget Analysts- Bachelor´s degree- $79,940 median pay

  • Claims Adjuster, Appraisers, Examiners- High school diploma entry- $64,710 median pay

  • Financial Analysts or Examiners- Bachelor´s degree - $81,410

The median annual wage for occupations under Management $102,450, which was the highest wage of all occupations. The amount of experience required vary from a high school diploma but majority require a Bachelor´s . Go here for a complete list of more occupations, the job summaries, entry-level, and median pay.

  • Administrative Services and Facilities Manager- Bachelor´s degree- $99,290

  • Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers- Bachelor´s degree- $133,380