

CONGRATULATIONS!! You are deciding to join the workforce  after graduation great! We want to help get you the most experience in a field/ industry. This translates into higher pay, competitive resume's, and better living. This programs main focus is on establishing applicable talents and guided progress into a child's desired career field. Giving them at least a year of experience, network, possible job placement, and a community to utilize down the road.


CONGRATULATIONS!! You have made the decision to continue your education. We hope you let us help you make this transition easier and less stressful. This program's primary focus is on college preparation. We will help you and your family map out a desired school and show you the base requirements and provide the tools to exceed them.  

Life Skills

Allow us to help prepare you for some more critical obstacles in the world outside of academia and the workforce. This is will cover a multitude of topics so come to them all or the ones that peak your interest.  We will have experienced professionals come teach, answer questions, and give practical tools we can apply. 

If you don´t see something up hear you want to learn or might add value contact us!